Friday, May 30, 2014

fortune or fortune 500?

I have always thought about writing a blog but always ended up thinking what to write. I was once told that writing is when you start writing not when you are doing research or gathering the data or just sitting around and planning, so here I am writing, not sure what it would exactly will be but I do have some ideas. I am going to do what I do best, sit lazy and think.

I plan to start with this experience that I have had yesterday and the thoughts that followed. 

Yesterday I went to the Taj Ambassador to pick up a guest who had flown down from Berlin, during our drive we were having a conversation when he asked me where I was from and I said that I am from Ahmedabad, from the state of Gujarat. And I was both shocked and filled with pride at what he had to say. He said that “Oh, so you Chief Minister has now become the Prime Minister”, I was happy because  I no more had to explain where Gujarat is, I no more have to say that it’s a state to the north of Mumbai. I love Mumbai, always have, but I am also proud to be a Gujju. When I was traveling in the metro I thought about what had happened and I remembered the closing speech of the then CM of Gujarat during Vibrant Gujarat 2013 where he said that that time is close when Gujarat will no more be know just as a state to the north of Mumbai. I am sure he did not mean it in the way it turned out to be however it does strike a bell in my mind, is it possible that he knew he was going to become the PM of India?

We know that there are people whose only job is to plan, plan 5, 10 and 15 years ahead. It’s a good thing, it helps us be prepared for the future but what is not right is the fact that none of it is shared! It makes me wonder if we are nothing but just puppets in their hands but WHO are they? It is true that subconsciously we are doing what others want us to do, thinking that yes, this is what I want from my life, is this what I am going to do! There are so many questions and the answer is nothing but speculation and theories. What if none of them are true? Will it ever be known? Is the truth ever going to come out? All this makes no sense to me, I am sure you are just as confused as me, maybe irritated as to what the hell I am saying, to be frank I have no idea and as I said earlier I am just a thinker.

I am a believer of the chaos theory, I would like to explain this theory in very simple words by saying that whatever happens, happens for a reason and that in the end it somehow turns out to be just fine… will it be actually fine or the fact that we have gone so used to it is what makes it seem normal, so very normal?! I personally feel that we are actually too busy to care about anything for a long time, to busy being insecure and to busy being scared.

Now that the laziness has kicked in, I am going to go to sleep but I am leaving you with these random thoughts and the confused look of what is to follow

Good bye! :D

Disclaimer: I take no responsibility foFr the thoughts, they are just random!!

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